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52.00 USD


Use: The Serum Ceruloplasmin test is used for evaluation of chronic liver disease such as chronic active hepatitis and cirrhosis. This test is also used along with a serum copper level to...

462.00 USD


Use: The blood test for drugs looks for seven most common recreational drugs used in the society, namely, amphetamines, barbiturates, cocaine, opiates, benzodiazepines, marijuana and...

39.00 USD


Use: The Lipid Panel is used to evaluate hyperlipidemia (an abnormally high concentration of fats or lipids in the blood) as an index to heart disease. Recommended For: Those who wish...

138.00 USD


Use: This test helps support a diagnosis of Celiac Disease, a food sensitivity (not an allergy) to gluten, found in wheat, barley, and rye. The only way to diagnose Celiac Disease is through a...

181.00 USD


Use: This profile is designed by Dr. J. E. Williams, a pioneer in positive longevity. The advanced profile tests a combination of hormone levels and other biomarkers to identify factors that...

254.00 USD


Use: Did you know that an erectile dysfunction can be a sign of an underlying health condition that needs treatment? This comprehensive profile offers testing of possible health conditions...

214.00 USD


Use: Human T- Cell Lymphotropic Virus types 1 & 2 selectively target T-cells of immune system of our body. Positive results imply infection with the virus but absence of symptoms might...

123.00 USD


Use: This STD mini panel includes 4 tests for some of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. This profile screens for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis and contains a complete urinalysis....

108.00 USD


Use HSV 1 is what is commonly referred to as "cold sores" whereas HSV 2 is known as genital herpes. Symptoms of HSV 1 are: Blister on the lip and edge of the mouth A sore mouth...

73.00 USD


Use: This anemia blood test and B12 deficiency test is useful in assessing an individuals nutritional status or to evaluate the cause of anemia. Vitamin B12 is a collection of molecules...

251.00 USD


Use: This panel includes testing for the most common sexually transmitted diseases: HIV, Hepatitis, Syphilis, Herpes, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. If you recently had unprotected sex and think you...

55.00 USD


Use: The Arthritis Profile is a comprehensive panel of blood tests used to screen your blood for the most common causes of joint stiffness. The most common cause of joint stiffness is...

169.00 USD


Use: The Cosmetic Surgery Profile is a health assessment for women going through a cosmetic procedure. Recommended For: Those who are undergoing a cosmetic medical procedure....

455.00 USD


Use: This test is used to monitor Tacrolimus, an immunosuppresive drug used in organ transplants to prevent rejection. Therapeutic drug monitoring is useful to optimize dose and avoid...

61.00 USD


Use: The Comprehensive Iron Profile is used to measure the amount of iron in your body as well as your body's ability to use the iron. This profile can help you find out if you are anemic,...

47.00 USD


Use: Creatinine is measured in a 24 hour urine sample to evaluate kidney function and calculate the glomerular filteration rate. It might be reduced in kidney failure and increased post...

52.00 USD


Use: Thyroid function which is particularly useful in the diagnosis of T3 thyrotoxicosis, in which T3 is increased and T4 is within normal limits. T3 toxicosis is occasionally found in...

77.00 USD


Use: Cancer antigen (CA) 27.29 breast cancer blood test is a highly sensitive tumor marker used to monitor breast cancer. It is serially monitored during therapy because of direct correlation...

115.00 USD


Use: Quantitative Allergen-specific IgE Test that identifies allergic reactions caused by apples, celery, kiwi and mugwort pollen. Recommended For: Those who may suffer from...

361.00 USD


Use: The Comprehensive Personalabs Prenatal Panel is for expecting mothers in their first trimester, or can be used prior to you becoming pregnant. The 11 panel tests for 40 different...

88.00 USD


Use: ACT hormone is produced by cells in the anterior pituitary and stimulates the adrenal glands to produce cortisol. Levels might be elevated in tumors that produce ACTH or primary adrenal...

119.00 USD


Use: This Coronary Risk Profile measures all the different kinds of lipids found in the blood. The three kinds of lipids are LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. This...

151.00 USD


Use: This is an important hormone. All important hormones are derived from this hormone, such as testosterone and estrogen. Recommended For: Those wishing to test their hormone...

101.00 USD


Use: Test for hormones regulating your metabolism and screen for healthy organ function to aid in weight loss, body building and overall fitness. Recommended For: Those who wish to...

351.00 USD


Use: This weight loss profile is designed by Dr. J. E. Williams and includes tests for blood sugar, adrenal hormones, thyroid hormones, insulin levels, and other biomarkers that are often...

412.00 USD


Use: This comprehensive panel includes over 30 tests to assess male sexual health as well as overall fitness by every possible measure. It helps diagnose sexual infections, diabetes, high...

103.00 USD


Use: This test is used to diagnose megaloblastic anemia; elevated levels of methylmalonic acid provide an early indication of cobalamin (B12) deficiency. People with vitamin B-12...

108.00 USD


Use: Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are two of the most common contracted STDs. This is a urine test that looks for either Chlamydia and Gonorrhea through nucleic acid amplification....

340.00 USD


Use: This urine drug screen panel tests and will detect recent use of illicit drugs.This drug screening test includes 10 of the most common recreational drugs used in today's society....

97.00 USD


Use: The fourth-generation HIV-1/2 test is used to detect acute HIV infection 4-12 days earlier than 3rd generation testing. It tests for both HIV antibodies and antigens.According to the...