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22.99 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Our Lover's Cup Black Tea is a seductive blend of organic Indian black tea, organic chocolate chips* and natural raspberry and chocolate flavors. This sweet and decadent black tea is best...

18.99 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Our new spring blend is a sweet and tangy combination of high grade organic green tea, orange peel, and juicy orange & lemon flavorings. Delicious both hot or iced, this bright brew is our new...

5.99 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Our Organic Secret Garden Green Tea is a lush blend of organic sencha tea, organic jasmine, organic peppermint, organic lavender flowers, organic cornflowers and organic rosebuds with natural peach...

11.95 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

This organic coffee from Goroka on the "Highlands Highway" of Papua New Guinea is bold and satisfying. This coffee is a smooth and notably sweet coffee with a medium body and creamy mouthfeel. The...

11.95 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

This organic coffee from Goroka on the "Highlands Highway" of Papua New Guinea is bold and satisfying. This coffee is a smooth and notably sweet coffee with a medium body and creamy mouthfeel. The...

249.99 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Our Tiger Nebula coffee blend has a wonderful floral aroma with a mild body. This unique single origin blend is caramel-y and spicy with hints of chocolate and citrus. Tiger Nebula makes a...

47.95 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

A dark, bold and flavorful take on our Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Kochere coffee. Our Dark Ethiopian Yirgacheffe takes all of the rich citrus and honeyed sweetness of traditional African coffee and...

289.99 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Timor coffee is a classic Indo-Pacific with deep, developed flavor and dark chocolate notes. When roasted to a true medium like our organic, fair trade and Rainforest Alliance Certified Timor...

29.95 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Our Dark Kenya AA coffee is a rich and sweet dark roast with savory floral notes and balanced acidity at a deeper roast level. The body of this coffee is extra bold but also bright, allowing for...

39.99 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Decaf World Tour II Full of flavor without caffeine, this decaf world tour won't keep you up at night! This bundle contains three 12 ounce bags: Organic Swiss Water Decaf Mexican - Mild and...

37.99 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Fresh Roasted Coffee Artisan Blends - Office Favorites We have over 70 varieties but we keep coming back to these! This bundle contains three 12 ounce bags: Tiger Nebula - Drip coffee, espresso,...

35.99 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

This sweet and mild Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee is Fair Trade and USDA Organic Certified. With hints of bright citruses like sweet tangerine and lime, the acidity level is powerful and bright,...

28.99 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Fresh Roasted Coffee Artisan Blends - Office Favorites II All kinds of people in the FRC office means all kinds of favorites! This bundle contains three 12 ounce bags: Italian Roast Espresso -...

31.99 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Ethiopian Sidamo Guji coffee is known for having extremely fruit forward flavors. We lightly roast these Sidamo Guji coffee beans to ensure the true berry and wine-like flavors shine through and...

29.95 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

This sweet and mild Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee is Fair Trade and USDA Organic Certified. With hints of bright citruses like sweet tangerine and lime, the acidity level is powerful and bright,...

34.95 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Start your home roasting with these USDA certified organic starter packs from every major growing region! An unroasted coffee bundle that includes (4) 1 lb. bags of some of our best-selling...

59.99 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Organic World Tour - Roasted Coffee Bundle Get a taste of everything the world of coffee has to offer! The African selection is light and bright and the South American is sweet and bold. Balanced...

11.95 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Enjoy the rich body and honey-nut flavors of our Colombian coffee, with half of the caffeine. Our Colombian Water-Processed Half Caf is a delicious 50/50 blend of Colombian Supremo and Colombian...

59.95 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Fresh Roasted Sampler Box - Decaf & Half Caf Coffees Love the beans but not the buzz? Twelve samples of our delicious water processed decafs and half cafs are contained within this beautifully...

209.95 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

To preserve the ample acidity and bright flavor of this Ethiopian Sidamo coffee, we suggest a roast level between light to medium. This USDA Organic, Fair Trade Certified coffee was grown in...

41.95 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Enjoy the balanced acidity and well rounded flavor of our organic, Fair Trade Certified Nicaraguan green coffee. We suggest a medium to dark roast level for this bean, which is very versatile and...

59.95 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Excellent Sumatran coffees truly capture the essence of the jungle flavor-wise, producing an earthy and sometimes vegetal cup with chocolate undertones and a creamy finish. Our Sumatra...

22.99 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Our organic dried Stevia Leaves are the perfect sweetener or sugar substitute to accompany your favorite Positively Teas, Kombucha and more! Stevia is a natural alternative to sugar and sugar...

9.99 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Our Organic Secret Garden Green Tea is a lush blend of organic sencha tea, organic jasmine, organic peppermint, organic lavender flowers, organic cornflowers and organic rosebuds with natural peach...

8.99 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

This Organic Banana Bread Chai Rooibos Tea is a deliciously warm, fragrant blend of organic South African rooibos, organic spices, and a touch of organic stevia for sweetness. This rooibos tea is a...

10.99 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Organic White Peony White Tea is an organic Chinese tea made from unopened buds and new tea leaves. This gorgeous, floral white tea is a mild and pleasant brew that creates sweet, golden liquor....

8.99 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Irish Breakfast tea is a classic blend of organic black teas with lots of full-bodied flavor and is normally described as a malty brew. Traditionally, this breakfast tea is enjoyed with a splash of...

4.99 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Our Scottish Breakfast tea is a full-bodied, rich and flavorful blend of organic black teas. This breakfast tea has a stronger, more hearty and robust flavor than an Irish or English Breakfast tea....

6.99 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Our Organic Qilan Wuyuan Oolong Tea is a semi oxidized oolong tea with a smoky and rich body. Qilan Wuyuan oolong tea has little to no astringency so it is a perfect option for those who do not...

36.99 USD

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Our Jasmine Green tea is a floral blend of Chinese green tea and downy-needle jasmine blossoms. A full-bodied infusion of this green tea produces a stunning jasmine aroma with fragrant and floral...