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64.95 USD


The Black Pepper Plant (Piper nigrum) is the source for Green, Red, White, and Black Peppercorns which are used to grind into the popular cooking spice. Black Pepper, combined with its constant...

69.95 USD


Citrus Latifolia, also known by other common names such as a Persian Lime Tree , Bearss Lime Tree, or Tahiti Lime Tree is a member of the family Rutaceae with a tri-hybrid genetic composition...

64.95 USD


The Monroe Avocado is one of the most popular commercial varieties grown in both Florida and South America. The large friuts are high eating quality and the trees grow abundant crops. Monroe...

159.95 USD


The Tebow Mango Tree was initially developed by David Sturrock in West Palm Beach, 1972. Tebow is a cross between two Mangoes: Edward and Kent. The Tebow Mango Tree combines the large yields of...

75.95 USD


The Araza tree, or Eugenia stipitata, is a fast-growing tropical fruit native to the Amazon Forest and related to the guava tree. They can be found in the countries of Brazil, Colombia, and...

169.95 USD


Anna Apple Trees are adaptable to a very wide cross-section of climates, and can take both below freezing winters and seasonably warm summers. They produce delicious apples that can be used as a...

18.95 USD


This single leaf cutting Hoya Kerhii is a very easy and fun plant to have in your space. It requires minimal effort and can begin trailing once it matures. Tips A Sweetheart Hoya needs...

99.95 USD


Barbados Cherry (also called Acerola) is a small tropical tree that grows white and lavender blooms in spring, followed by bright red, tart cherries that can be eaten fresh or made into desserts...

74.95 USD


The origin of the Washington navel orange tree is a little bit clouded since the growers from Bahia, Brazil where the bud sport originated from tell different stories. However, it seems likely...

109.99 USD


The Valencia Orange is a late-season sweet summer orange that is widely used for its brightly-colored, sweet-tart juice. Although named after the city of Valencia, Spain which is popular for its...

59.95 USD


The Pink Variegated Lemon Tree , oftentimes called the variegated Eureka lemon tree or pink-fleshed Eureka lemon, is a cultivar of lemon botanically named Citrus limon “Eureka Variegated Pink”....

129.95 USD


Growing citrus trees comes with many benefits. Citrus trees are easy to grow, produce a pleasant, fresh fragrance, and the fruit can be used for cooking, mixing drinks, baking and even cleaning....

139.95 USD


Growing citrus trees comes with many benefits. Citrus trees are easy to grow, produce a pleasant, fresh fragrance, and the fruit can be used for cooking, mixing drinks, baking and even cleaning....

119.95 USD


Red Navel Trees, or Cara Cara trees, are native to Florida but grow in humid areas across the southern United States and Central America. These orange trees can reach a mature height of 7 to 10...

39.95 USD


A regular feature on many popular houseplants lists, the Variegated Peperomia (or Variegated Baby Rubber Plant) is often a favorite because of its attractive, ornamental foliage. This...

89.95 USD


Issai Kiwis, sometimes called Arctic Kiwis, are a smaller, cold hardy version of their larger fuzzy cousins. Issai Kiwis are the size of large grapes, and grow in clusters of 3 or more fruit per...

35.95 USD


Called Rattlesnake Plant because of the long and wavy patterns on its leaves, the Calathea Lancifolia is definitely an eye-catching houseplant. In fact, this distinctive foliage makes the plant...

65.95 USD


Longan Trees originated in Southeast Asia and have been grown for centuries. They are prized for their dark green canopy, cooling shade, and sweet abundant fruit. Longan trees can reach heights of...

34.95 USD


Petra Crotons are easy-to-grow houseplants and are known for their colorful and variegated foliage, covered in shades of green, red, orange, and yellow. At Calloway’s and Cornelius, we have...

57.95 USD


The Strelitzia Reginae, or Orange Bird of Paradise, brings the topics into your home or patio. This leafy beauty boasts bright orange flowers, commonly known a Crane Flower. Orange Bird of...

59.95 USD


Glen Navel Oranges are among the juiciest navels. They are easy to grow and produce extremely sweet fruit. Glen navels are prized for their seedless, super-sweet sections and easy-to-peel skin....

54.95 USD


The Dwarf Rio Red Grapefruit tree (Citrus paradisi) is genetically found to be of hybrid mix. Its parents are sweet orange (Citrus sinensis), an ancient hybrid of Asian origin, and the pomelo...

62.95 USD


The Satsuma mandarin tree originated in China and has been grown for more than 2000 years. This tangerine tree was taken to Japan by monks who developed it further. It reached the United Sates...

74.95 USD


The Dwarf Valencia Orange Tree , classified as Citrus sinensis, is an evergreen tree that belongs to the genus Citrus of the family Rutaceae. This citrus tree reaches to about 8-12 feet in...

55.95 USD


Citrus sinensis, commonly called sweet orange, is a small citrus tree in the rue family Rutaceae that originated in China, southeastern Asia, and northeastern India where it has been cultivated...

119.95 USD


The Hass Avocado Tree is one of the most widely cultivated and consumed avocados in the US. All Hass Avocado trees come from a single tree grown in California and named for the original owner of...

95.95 USD


Growing citrus trees comes with many benefits: it’s fragrance is fresh and relaxing – a natural air freshener – and the fruit that is just within your reach is delicious, refreshing and can be...

33.99 USD


Nothing beats the ease of bromeliad guzmania houseplant care. Growing guzmania bromeliads is simple and their unique growth habit and flower bracts will add interest to the home year-round....

32.95 USD


Dieffenbachia Camouflage features a striking light green foliage with a white strip of color following the stem in the leaf. It also has dark green flecks throughout. Dieffenbachia is often grown...

89.95 USD


Kazake Pomegranate Trees are sturdy, shrubby fruit trees that will only grow to heights of six to eight feet tall. Their small size makes them great for growing in small gardens, yards with...